Glassware Washing Machine for Laboratories

Glassware Washing Machine Options for Laboratories

Lab glassware washing machines offer the benefits of automation. While hand washing is common in many labs, it is not the most economical solution for handling larger quantities of labware.

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Machine glassware washers significantly improve cleaning consistency. Hot water and stronger cleaning agents, that would otherwise not be suitable for humans, are a non-issue for the machines.

Test tubes, utensils, petri dishes, flasks, cylinders, beakers and BOD bottles are all good candidates for glassware washing machines. Many models allow staff to dial in specific settings to accommodate other materials, such as plastic.

Why Automate Lab Glassware Cleaning?

glassware washing machine CFI

Automating repetitive processes helps optimize internal resources and improves scalability. Laboratory glassware washers are becoming a central piece of equipment in college, research and industrial settings. They wash and dry large quantities of used labware with minimal user input.

Machines are also much better at repeating tasks with extreme levels of precision. This benefit is a must for labs that have no tolerance for contamination.

High-quality lab glassware washers deliver the cleanliness that is required in many research settings. Predictable performance is achieved by balancing wash time, temperature, chemical, and mechanical processes. (Exceptions to this are when emulsification must be removed, or glassware is susceptible to harm from chemicals.)

A variety of lab types benefit from implementing washers. Models are offered in multiple configurations, from compact and under-counter, to freestanding.

Improved lab efficiency creates a better work environment and the potential for higher overall staff satisfaction.

Types of Glassware Washers We Offer

There are many different types of glassware washers. Below are a few of the more common types from LabConco.

SteamScrubber Glassware Washers

The SteamScrubber is suitable for washing and drying beakers and other wide-mouth or specialized glassware.

This unit includes upper and lower standard open racks. These racks accommodate a wide variety of baskets and inserts.

The standard open racks and spindle racks are interchangeable, making this washer versatile. Changes in needs are easily accommodated by modifying the inserts or racks.

This unit is available in an under-counter configuration.

The SteamScrubber designed primarily to hold general labware such as beakers, utensils, test tubes, Petri dishes and BOD bottles. Upper and lower standard open racks (included) accommodate a variety of optional inserts.

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  • glasswasher steamscrubber front
  • glasswasher steamscrubber open
  • labconco steamscrubber undersink
  • labconco steamscrubber
  • glasswasher selection guide

FlaskScrubber Glassware Washers

The flaskscrubber vantage glassware washer is suitable for washing and drying narrow-neck glassware. This includes volumetric flasks and Erlenmeyer flasks. Third party EPA residue testing showed the FlaskScrubber cleans trace metals, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds.

It has a lower rack with 36 spindles, and incorporates a vacuum drying system. The spindles may be outfitted with specialized inserts to accommodate pipets.

Like the SteamScrubber, the standard open racks and spindle racks are interchangeable. This makes it flexible and versatile.

A major feature of the FlaskScrubber models is the touchscreen input and wide range of modifiable settings.

Flaskscrubber models are designed for narrow-neck glassware such as volumetric and Erlenmeyer flasks. A lower spindle rack with 36 spindles (included) uses direct injection to clean labware inside and out. Optional specialized inserts to wash pipettes, BOD bottles, petri dishes, culture tubes, utensils and more are available.

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  • Labconco flaskscrubber
  • glassware washer screen
  • labconco washer screen closeup
  • flaskscrubber undercounter
  • Labconco flaskscrubber vantage undercounter
  • Labconco flaskscrubber vantage on stand

FlaskScrubber Vantage Model

The FlaskScrubber Vantage series Flaskscrubber is suitable for washing and drying glassware used in contamination-sensitive research.

It has advanced features for monitoring and controlling the cleaning process. This includes forced air drying with HEPA filters (99.97% efficient on particulates 0.3 micron). Its touchscreen display allows staff to easily control pressure, temperature, rinse time and total cycles. Factory and custom presets are also options.

The FlaskScrubber also has water conductivity monitoring to measure water quality and provides exportable data.

FlaskScrubber Vantage designed for narrow-neck glassware such as volumetric and Erlenmeyer flasks with specialized features for contamination-sensitive research. A lower spindle rack with 36 spindles (included) uses direct injection to clean labware inside and out. Optional inserts for specific types of labware are available.

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  • Labconco flaskscrubber vantage side
  • Labconco flaskscrubber vantage b
  • flaskscrubber vantage storage
  • Labconco flaskscrubber vantage undercounter
  • flaskscrubber vantage compartment

Watch Labconco Washers in Action

Benefits of Lab Glassware Washers

Consistency: Washing all the glassware using the washers eliminates variability and standardizes results. Staff can implement standard operating procedures, which can also be programmed into certain units. This is a huge benefit for research labs.

Efficiency: Hot water and stronger cleaning agents can be used. This helps reduce wash time. Machines are also effective at removing residues from glassware that lab technicians might assume requires handwashing. For example, some models can provide special alkaline and acid rinses.

Safety: Removes human contact with potentially harmful substances during the cleaning process.

Automation: Using the washers streamlines the cleaning process and saves time. It frees up technicians to perform other tasks and may increase the overall productivity of the laboratory.

Reduced costs: While the upfront investment might be significant, the opportunity cost of ignoring automation adds up as well.

Glassware Washer Sustainability

SteamScrubber and FlaskScrubber Laboratory Glassware Washers are designed with sustainable elements from start to finish, and comply with LEED requirements. We even reclaim the water used in our rigorous QA testing on the factory floor.

  • Maximize washing and sanitizing efficiency for minimal water use
  • User selected wash cycles to minimize unnecessary wash/rinse water usage
  • Recycled content using both pre-consumer and post consumer materials in our products
  • Shipped in sturdy recycled packing materials

See how using a Labconco Glassware Washer can help you save time, money and energy compared to hand washing.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Glassware Washers

The benefit of using a machine to automate the cleaning process is maximized when machine capabilities meet lab needs. There are a number of things to consider when choosing a glassware washer.

How Much Glassware Will Be Washed?

There are many makes and models available. Under-counter washers are a good option if standard capacity is needed. Some labs may require a standalone unit to service higher capacities.

Will Plastic Labware Be Cleaned?

Units with cycles to accommodate for plastic labware are available. The heat and injector settings may need adjustment based on the composition and manufacturer specs of the plastic.

Will Glassware Need to Be Cleaned Quickly?

The method of drying is slightly different across makes and models. Those that utilize forced air, fitted with a HEPA filter, are a good option when turnaround time matters.

Lab Requirements

A life science lab will have different needs when compared to a radioisotope lab. Space is also a factor, as some models have a smaller footprint than others.

Glassware washers also have different features. Some are better suited to research labs compared to general K-12 or university labs.

All models we offer have 304 stainless steel interiors and a versatile rack system to maintain performance and flexibility long-term.

Flexibility and Durability

The lab environment is dynamic, and standard operating procedures may change over time.

It is important to assess how a glassware washer can perform under different conditions. This will enable end-users to respond to whatever changes that happen.

Environmental Conservation and Sustainability

When purchasing lab equipment, environmental conservation and sustainability are a common consideration.

Most glassware washers provide efficient cleaning and optimize the use of resources. A study conducted by Labconco showed how less water was used per machine wash cycle compared to hand washing.

Low-Residue Performance Requirements

It is best to review the manufacturer standardized residue data to understand machine performance capabilities. These cover EPA Method 200.7, 524.2, 525.1 and 8720, which test for common post-wash residues.

Process and Data Validation

Some units, such as the FlaskScrubber Vantage Models, provide data export features. These enable laboratories to understand the performance of their unit with regard to duration, temperature and drying.

It is not uncommon for labs to require installation, operational and performance qualification.

Final Thoughts

Lab glassware washers provide a tangible benefit. Not only can they standardize and automate processes, in many cases, they help reduce costs associated with hand washing labware.

When selecting a washer, it is important to consider specific needs and requirements.

Washers are highly effective when used properly. Proper maintenance and qualification of the unit is important for long-term use, and to avoid contamination.

Custom Fabricators

Custom Fabricators can help you select the right glassware washer for your specific application. We have over 60 years of experience in the laboratory design and furnishing market. Schools, universities, pharmaceutical, bio, medical, industrial and research labs can all benefit from the efficiency these units provide.

Contact us today for more information.